bhrigu lake trek

3 Days/2 Nights
14,100 ft.
-5°C To 20°C
32 Kilometres
Himachal Pradesh
Package Options:

Bhrigu Lake Trek - Complete Guide

Bhrigu Lake trek is only open from the beginning of May until the end of October, it's completely covered in snow during the winter, till May month, After that this lake starts opening with a round ice ring, One of the best things trekkers love the most about this trek is that This lake changes its form every month, The best time to visit is from the beginning of May to October, you can see e varieties of weather and views all around three seasons.

Best Time To Do Bhrigu Lake Trek

Bhrigu Lake Trek in May:

May is the perfect time for the Bhrigu Lake Trek. This month you can expect huge amounts of snow during this trek. May is just an ideal month for those who love to do a snow trek.

Bhrigu Lake Trek in June:

In June you will experience Lush green meadows and snow on the second day of trekking Rauli Kholi to Bhrigu Lake, you will get the chance to see ice-covered Bhrigu Lake during this month.

Weather And Temperature:

The weather is generally good in summer and after the end of May it is cloudy and rains in July and you will feel fascinated throughout the day. Light Woolen clothes are recommended for this trek.

The temperature of Bhrigu Lake Trek during the summer can be around 16-22 degrees Celsius in the daytime and falls to 3 to 7 degrees Celsius at night. In winter the temperature of Bhrigu Lake Trek gets lower than 8-14 degrees Celsius in the daytime and almost 0 to -7 degrees Celsius at night so you will have to cover yourself in extra layers at night.

Height, Distance, And Difficulty Level:

The height of Bhrigu Lake Trek is 14,009 feet. from sea level, Bhrigu Lake is a high-altitude Himalayan trek, located at Manali, Himachal Pradesh, and this trek is one of the most popular weekend treks of Manali in India which starts from Gulaba.

The total distance of the Bhrigu Lake trek is 27km From Gulaba to Gulaba, over 3 days and 2 nights. Which is a fairly not-so-long distance.

Bhrigu Lake Trekking is easy to moderate, this trek is one of the best treks to increase your physical stamina with doing this trek, you can start this trek from Gulaba and stay the first night at Rauli Kholi the base camp which is situated at an elevation of approximately 12500 feet.

Short Itinerary

Day 01: Drive from Manali to Gulaba/Kulang and trek to Rauli kholi/Mori Dugh:

Day 02: Rauli Kholi/Mori Dugh to Bhrigu Lake and back:

Day 03: Rauli Kholi/Mori Dugh to Gulaba/Kulang and Drive to Manali:

Detail Itinerary

Rauli kholi, base camp of bhrigu lake trek

Day 01: Drive from Manali to Gulaba and trek to Rauli kholi

  • Altitude: 2050 meters to 3000 meters to 3810 meters.
  • Drive: 18 kilometers (2 hours) 
  • Trekking distance: 6-7 kilometers 
  • Time taken: 5 to 6 hours 
  • Trail type: 500 meters of forest and Green meadows. 
  • Water resources: You will find a stream at a distance of 1 km on this trek 600 meters before Rauli Kholi Camp. 
  • Trekking difficulty: Easy to moderate 

As it is the first day of our trekking, you must prepare yourself to go on a lovely trek. We will start our trek from Manali in the morning. All of us will gather at one place and begin our trekking journey by 9 am. We have to drive for almost 2 hours to reach Gulaba. Although it is morning for driving, you will still enjoy the enchanting views of the spots on your route. You can capture the images of this journey with your camera. 

Throughout the route from Manali to Gulaba, you will witness many old structures designed in Himachali style. The street is also full of small markets, large metallic buildings, and small rivers. Beas River will follow you on the trip and give a cool breeze to your face. 

After the Beas River, we have to drive for about 45 minutes to enter Rohtang Pass. This road divides Rohtang Pass and the Kullu district. Golden apple trees and lush green meadows will enhance your trekking moment. You will also see beautiful clouds waving at you with a huge smile. Gulaba is home to many vultures that you will see throughout your trip. 

There is a government check post after a distance of 21 km. You have to carry all the important documents to pass this check post. Finally, we will reach the starting point of Trek Gulaba. 

2. Trek from Gulaba to Rola Kholi 

Now, our trekking will start from Gulaba. We all have to cross the road and begin to walk continuously. On the way, you will get many streams at a distance of 3 to 4 km to fulfill your water needs. One thing to note on this trekking route is that it has constant steep ascents without any descents. So, this terrain is a bit tough to climb but it is manageable by many trekkers. 

This trekking trail is filled with thick dense forests, Himalayan birch, oak trees, and pine trees. You will also hear the sound of small insects in the middle of your way. This route looks like a wonderland with misty clouds and dew drops. After traveling a distance of about 2 km, you will reach Rola Kholi. It is a wonderful grassland with breathtaking beauty. 

Now, you will get the first water stream at Rola Kholi to fill your bottles. It is lunchtime and we will all enjoy lunch near terrain covered with colorful flowers such as dandelions and so on. Different colors of elegant flowers will soothe your mind and give the appearance of a picture created by a painter. 

You can also capture the views of the gigantic Solang Valley and Beas Kund Valley from this point. After traveling a distance of 6 km, we will reach a steep pathway. We have to walk on this path for about 6 hours and then we will reach Rola Kholi, the campsite. Rola Kholi is an amazing place to witness the series of twinkling stars at night. You will also get an opportunity to see different peaks such as Hanuman Tibba, Deo Tibba, Seven Sister Peaks, and Beas Kund valley.

Snow trekking

Day 02: Rauli Kholi to Bhrigu Lake and back to Rauli Kholi

  • Altitude: 3810 meters to 4267 meters
  • Trekking distance: 12-13 kilometers fro
  • Time taken: 7 to 8 hours fro
  • Trail type:  somewhere steep trail and rocky path. 
  • Difficulty: Moderate 
  • Water resources: This route has no water resources. After leaving the campsite You must carry a good amount of water for your water needs. 

Today, it is the second day of the trek and we will start our trek from Rola Kholi at around 8 am. We have to go through some challenging ascents on this route. Apart from that, you will also have to pass broken records and steep terrains to reach your destination. After crossing a small stream, we will start going through ascents. 

As you move further, the huge grassland will open up giving you lovely views of cows grazing on the green grass. For about 2 km, you will see grasslands giving a magical look to your eyes. But now, you have to prepare yourself for a bit of a difficult journey. This trail has rocky terrains with sharp ascents. It is necessary to remain in groups on this route as many trekkers lose their way because of rocky paths. 

After walking for about 5 km, you will see the boulders showing colorful flowers. Now, we are about to reach Bhrigu Lake by walking just 1 km. Bhrigu Lake is one of the most alluring lakes that changes its colors in summer and winter. From olive green to emerald green, you will see the changing colors of this lake as per the season. It is truly a happy moment to see a splash of colors and save it in your camera. 

After spending some hours near Bhrigu Lake, we will return to Rola Kholi campsite. At night, we will talk about the wonders of Bhrigu Lake and spend the night in our tents.

Trek in Green himalaya

Day 03: Rauli Kholi to Gulaba and Drive to Manali

  • Attitude: 3810 meters to 3000 meters to 2050 meters
  • Trekking distance: 6-7 kilometers
  • Trail type: same as day one
  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours 
  • Water resources: You will easily get two streams on this route to fill your water bottles
  • Difficulty level: Easy

It is the last day of trekking. As usual, we will start our journey from Rola Kholi at 8 am. We will follow the same route that we followed from Manali to Gulaba. Now, you can have a sigh of relief as there are no ascents on this route. You have to walk on continuous descents. This route is easier than the earlier routes. After reaching Gulaba, a vehicle will arrive to pick us up. 

We will reach Manali at 2 pm. From Manali, we all will depart and head toward our routes. You can stay in Manali for a couple of days to enjoy its pristine beauty and surreal environment.

Inclusion And Exclusion


  • 2 nights Accommodation in Alpine/Dome tents in Rauli kholi campsite on 3 sharing basis.
  • Food during the trek day 1 lunch to day 3 breakfast.
  • Sleeping mats, sleeping bags, and tents
  • Service of certified trekking leaders experienced in a mountaineering course
  • Meals during trekking (veg and egg options available)
  • First aid kit with oxygen puff.
  • porter/mule to carry Common equipment.
  • All the safety tools such as static rescue rope, seat harness.
  • Insurance of staff members of Broza Adventures.
  • Transportation charges from day 1 Manali to Gulaba and day 3 Gulaba to Manali.
  • Forest permits and campsite expenses 


  • Items that have not been mentioned in the Includes section.
  • Personal things like jackets, trekking pants, trekking shoes, rucksacks etc.
  • Insurance of trekker
  • Meals and stay in Manali hotel.
  • Porter to carry personal luggage of any trekker
  • Any emergency.
  • Any personal expenses of trekker
  • Any item or thing not covered under “Price includes. 

Things To Carry:

  • 1 sun cap and 1 woolen cap to cover the head.
  • 3 types of the jacket including waterproof, windproof, and down jacket.
  • Undergarments
  • Backpack. 
  • trek pole (as per your need) 
  • 1 head torch with extra batteries.
  • Personal medicines. 
  • 2 pair of T-shirt, 2 pair warm -15°C down jacket. 
  • Personal kit containing a toothbrush, toilet paper, toothpaste, moisturizer, face wash, hand towel, sunscreen lotion, soap, and other creams 
  • 2 to 3 trek pants 
  • 1 Balaclava and 1 neck warmer 
  • 3 pairs of woolen socks and 1 pairs of slipper. 
  • Poncho or rain jacket. 
  • 1 bottle to carry water and 1 flask of hot water. 
  • Rain cover with 50 liters rucksack .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where id Bhrigu Lake Trek?

A: Bhrigu Lake is located in the district of Kullu, yHimachal Pradesh in the city of Manali. It is situated at a height of around 4300 meters.

Q: What is the simplest way to reach Bhrigu Lake?

A: If you want to reach the lake quickly, start trekking from Gulaba, a place located at a minimum distance of the trek. You can easily reach Bhrigu Lake from Gulaba in just 3 days.

Q: Is it convenient to go to Bhrigu Lake by driving?

A: No, you can drive from Mamali to Gulaba but to reach Bhrigu Lake. It takes around 3 days trekking to reach the lake from the beginning point.

Q: Is trekking to Bhrigu Lake safe for everyone?

A: Yes, it is safe for everyone to trek to the lake. However, you must do regular exercises and get well-versed with us.

Q: What is the best season to do Bhrigu Lake trekking?

A: The best time to do Bhrigu Lake trek is the summer season. You can visit this lake between May to November. It is recommended not to visit this lake during winter because of snowfall and dropping temperatures at night.

Q: Which is a better trek between the Hampta Pass trek and the Bhrigu Lake trek?

A: Both these treks have their own beauty. While Bhrigu Lake is popular for its high altitude, Hampta Pass is popular for its elegant landscapes.

Q: Will I need a guide for trekking to Bhrigu Lake?

Yes, you will get safety tips and navigation for trekking to the lake with the help of a guide. Taking the service of a guide will improve your safety during a trek.

Q: How many days will I have to trek to reach Bhrigu Lake?

A: You will have to trek for around 3 days to reach an altitude of 4300 meters of Bhrigu Lake.

What our participants say about bhrigu lake trek

  • By Kartik Chauhan 22 Oct 2022
    Cheers to the leaders and all the members of Broza adventures for the smoothest way in which they conducted our Bhrigu lake trek. From the booking till the end of the journey everything was done in a very professional manner. The trek leaders are very knowledgeable and they make sure that you are well entertained throughout the journey. Apart from the trek, we were also introduced to so many beautiful landscapes. I was very happy at the end of the journey.
  • By MitBhasi Dal 07 Feb 2024
    The trip of a lifetime - Bhrigu Lake Trek in Himachal Pradesh was without a doubt our favorite trekking trip. The comfort and beauty, the incredibly caring members, the delicious food, the places we explore, along with the stunning beauty of the mountains. Hiking around small remote villages and relaxing on the snow... it was the best trip ever with Broza Adventures. I highly recommend going with them always in Manali.
  • By Rekha Chaudhary 07 Feb 2024
    This was our 2nd trip with Broza Adventures and it lived up to our very high expectations. It was a wonderfully arranged trip with beautiful trekking and great spots to watch, great hikes, and engaging lessons from the guide. The guide was wonderfully instructed and participated enthusiastically in all the activities. A shout-out also to the Broza Adventure team who each brought their perspective. Excellent Trip! Manali to Gulaba.
  • By Jessica Solomon 07 Feb 2024
    A superb week exploring Manali. This was my first visit to Manali, and it was great. We had a tour manager and an expert guide from Broza Adventures. The hotel was fantastic, full of character, quiet & and private. The itinerary was properly made and a mix of every experience that we generally want in our lives. There was free time for us to explore more things while trekking, and there was guidance on how to use the free time we had. All in all a great week. Broza Adventures Travel is a provider that takes small groups on trekking and gives us the best experience in Bhrigu Lake Trek.
  • By Abhishek Singh 07 Feb 2024
    I enjoyed a lot in Bhrigu Lake Trek with Broza Adventures, and I can say it was an experience that was really above my expectations. From start to finish, the entire trekking was well organised, and they are pretty much sure about their trekkers satisfaction and enjoyment.
  • By Rohit Dubey 07 Feb 2024
    I enjoyed a lot in Bhrigu Lake Trek with Broza Adventures, and I can say it was an experience that was really above my expectations. From Manali to Gulaba, the whole trek was well managed, and they were pretty much sure about their trekker's joy and enjoyment during the trek.

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